Trouble free rental property (Single Family House)

1). When evaluating the rental property, look at all the items that will need replacing. list all mechanicals that need fixing from largest expense to smallest. Anything that won’t last 5 to 7 years you will want to replace.
If you are buying for long term, say 20 years, you will want to rehab the property with the longer time frame in mind.
By doing this I will ensure that i won’t have a major repair the
whole time I own the property. At the 5th year i will be ready to sell the property and roll that money into a different property.

2). Have your property professionally managed. Most investors are not good property managers. Darwin Homes referred by Rodger @ luinc.

Watch Me Setup A Complete Affiliate Blog Step by Step

Blog Setup

Starting a new Series.

I will be setting up a (from scratch) new Affiliate Marketing Blog. I will be emailing the entire process to all my Subscribers as each step is completed.
You will have direct access to me thru a personal email for any questions you have. If you are serious in getting your affiliate marketing started. You can setup your site at the same time i am setting up mine. This will be a monthly email untill the site is finished. I will show you what services I am using and will always list 2 services, one paid and one free. You will know what affiliate product i will choose, where it will be hosted and how I choose the keywords and optimize the site.

So Stay tuned and I will show you step by step and we can do it together. You can even setup a site with the same product as mine. When we are done you will have the skills to repeat the process and have as many sites as you want.

I will be keeping the process very simple. There is no need to complicate the site or process. Again it will be simple.

Just sign up for my “Subscribers Only Premium Content”.

See you on the next step.